Energy for Learning Indicator


The Energy For Learning Indicator (ELI) is a questionnaire that taps into pupils' views of their wellbeing in the classroom. The ELI draws out strengths and vulnerabilities in areas, known as the Energies, which are aligned to the four capacities in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, namely

  • Getting Along - Alienating Others: (Responsible Citizen) reflects a pupil's pro social attitudes, social skills and ability to interact with his/her classmates.
  • Getting Stuck in - Giving up: (Successful Learner) reflects a pupil's conscientiousness and desire to work hard to improve.
  • Negotiating - Wanting Own Way: (Effective Contributor) reflects how accommodating and reciprocating a pupil is and how they react when things don't go their way.
  • Expressing Yourself - Hiding Out: (Confident Individual) reflects a pupil's capacity to express and assert themselves and think critically.

A separate 5th dimension is Responsible Confidence, which unifies the 4 energies. It reflects how much a pupil believes in and trusts themselves and others and feels that they are in control, able and allowed to contribute.

The ELI tunes into pupils' feelings about themselves that are often unarticulated. It helps pupils to reflect and realise things about themselves that they never knew. It triggers a natural motivation to know the self and achieve greater self control.

The ELI is completed on computer and results in a personal profile along with a list of perceived strengths and issues. This feedback is given in small groups by an adult facilitator who helps to interpret the results, identify areas of strength and encourage each pupil to choose personal targets which they would like to work on.

Having this discussion of their profile allows pupils to reflect on any difficulties in the context of their profile of strengths and weaknesses.

The ELI has an important contribution to make for the most vulnerable individuals referred to support agencies. Completing their profile prepares the pupil to take a more meaningful part in discussions. After an ELI profile has been drawn up and discussed with the pupil, a multi agency meeting can be convened. The pupil can contribute or they can choose to have their formulated views represented at the meeting by an adult. This promotes the pupil voice and also creates the optimal context for that voice to be heard.

Teachers or other adults who support the pupil can also complete a Teacher version (T.ELI).

For more details, click here to read the ELI Guide document

The Motivated School - © Alan McLean 2006-2011. Web Design by Elad Vartikovski.

Motivating Every Learner explores the interactions between teachers and pupils, presenting new ways of engaging young people in learning.

The Motivated School is relevant to teachers, educators and management seeking to develop their skills in motivating young people to learn